Metric definitions

Learn the definitions of common metrics.

Metric Definition
Metric Definition
Abandon %

The percentage of offered interactions in which the customer disconnected before connecting with an agent. The abandon rate can identify queues that require extra staff to handle interactions in a timely manner.

Calculated by: (Abandoned Count / Offered Count) * 100


The number of times an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue. For example, the customer hangs up before an agent answers, or the system disconnects the interaction.

Average abandon

The average amount of time before a customer disconnects in an ACD queue before connecting with an agent. For example, the customer hangs up before an agent answers, or the system disconnects the interaction.

Total abandon

The total amount of time interactions are in queue waiting for an agent to answer them before customers abandoned the interactions.

Active agents

The number of active agents. In some views, this number is shown next to the total number of queue members.

After-call work (ACW)

The number of times after-call work (ACW) was completed. After-call work is the work that an agent performs immediately following an interaction. Work may involve keying activity codes, updating customer databases, filling out forms, or initiating outbound contact. As a metric, it indicates the total time an agent takes to finish working on a call. If an agent must complete work before the agent can handle the next contact, then ACW is factored into the average handle time. 


A measurement of the number of assigned ACD interactions answered by an agent in a given period. Answered increments when the agent is the first to connect to the interaction.

Answer %

The percentage of offered interactions that an agent answered. 

Calculated by:  (Answered / Offered) * 100


The time spent in the Meal status for the specified period.

Average wait

The average amount of time an interaction is in a queue before an agent answers it, before the interaction moves out of the queue, or before the customer abandons the interaction.

Calculated by: Total Wait Time / Interactions

Average hold

The average number of seconds that interactions were placed on hold.

Calculated by: Total Hold Time / Count of interactions with holds

Average after-call work (Avg ACW)

The average amount of time agents spent completing after-call work.

Calculated by: Total ACW / Interactions with ACW

Avg talk

The average number of seconds spent interacting on a media type.

Calculated by: Total Talk time / Count of interactions with Talk time

Connection The number of connected customer sessions. A customer session includes any activity where an external party has joined a conversation. For example, a single customer session indicates a customer calling the system to go through the IVR, waiting in the queue, and getting answered.
Contacts handled

The total number of ACD and non-ACD interactions that agents were involved in for the selected media type. Handle increments in the interval in which the interaction ends, after the agent completes any after call work and completes the interaction. 

Customers interacting

The number of customers in conversation or on chat with an agent.

Customers waiting

An instantaneous observation of the number of interactions waiting in the queue to be answered. Waiting is calculated by the sum total of the number of interactions waiting.


The total number of ACD and non-ACD interactions that agents were involved in for the selected media type. Handle increments in the interval in which the interaction ends, after the agent completes any after call work and completes the interaction. 

Average handle time (AHT)

The average amount of time agents spent handling interactions. This calculation includes talk time, hold time, and after-call work. For outbound calls it also includes dialing and contacting time.

Calculated by: (cumulative talk time + cumulative hold time + cumulative after-call work + cumulative dialing time + cumulative contacting time) / Number of interactions handled

Note: The interactions can span multiple time intervals. For example, a 45-minute call spans two 30-minute intervals. However, metrics are assigned a single timestamp and reported in the interval into which this timestamp falls. The timestamps are assigned based on when the metric calculation is complete.

For instance, handle time will use the timestamp of after call work completion. In the example of a 45-minute call, the handle time falls in the second 30-minute interval because the handle time was calculated at the end of the call when ACW was submitted.

Average speed of answer (ASA)

The average amount of time an interaction waits in queue before an agent answers it. This metric does not include interactions that agents do not answer. ASA is directly associated with the service level and provides insight into the customer service your company provides. ASA is recorded in the interval in which the agent answered the interaction.

Calculated by: Total Answered (tAnswered Sum) / Answered Count (tAnswered Count)

Note: Raw values are provided in milliseconds.

Held interactions

The number of interactions with holds. 


The cumulative hold time for all interactions.


The time that the agent was handling interactions.


The time spent in the Training status for the specified period.

Logged in

The total amount of time a user is logged in for the specified period.


The time spent in the Meeting status for the specified period.


The number of interactions routed into the queue for an agent to answer. Offered interactions are either answered, abandoned, or flow-out interactions. 

Offered to assignment

A measurement of call attempts that reach the Assignment Service including abandoned calls.


The time spent in the Break status for the specified period.

On Queue

The On Queue metric represents the number of agents that are on queue for a specific queue.

Off Queue

Off Queue represents the number of agents that are off queue for a specific queue. These agents are in another status, such as Available, Busy, or Meeting. Agents in the Out of Office and Offline statuses are not included in this number.

On unassigned interactions

This metric represents the number of agents currently working on non-assigned interactions. This value may not indicate misappropriated work. Non-assigned interactions could include after call work calls. 


The name or number in communication with the named agent. A name appears only if the remote number matches a directory entry.

Note: Genesys Cloud obtains the remote number from the telco carrier. If the telco carrier does not provide data in the header, the location of the remote number will appear as the remote number.

Service level %

Service level target is a contact center performance statistic expressed as “X percent of conversations answered in Y seconds.” For example, a goal of answering 80% of voice calls within 20 seconds provides a service level target of 80/20. You can set the service level target for each media type in a queue. Analytics uses this service level target to calculate whether you are within the service level % defined by your service level agreement (SLA). For more information about setting the service level target, see Create queues or Edit or delete queues

Note: In the performance views that are not queue-specific, the Service Level % is calculated by queue and displayed as a – on the aggregated group row since SLA targets vary by queue. The affected views are DNIS Performance Summary and Skills Performance views. To view individual queue service level %, click the + to expand the row.

The service level % is the percentage of interactions that meet your contact center's service level target. The formula to calculate the service level % is:

service level calculation

Number of Conversations Answered within SLA

The numerator is calculated by taking the total answered conversations and subtracting the conversations that were not answered within the SLA threshold.   

Calculated by:  (Answered Count – SLA Violation Count) 

Total Number of Conversations

The Service Level Options configuration determines the denominator. With all the options below unchecked, the denominator is the count of answered conversations.

  • Include Flowouts in Calculation: Flowouts are conversations that leave a queue without abandoning and without an agent handling the interaction. Typical scenarios include a customer on a voice call accepting a callback or an in-queue call flow transferring the call to another queue/flow. With this option enabled, the total number of flowouts is included in the total number of conversations for the SLA calculation.
  • Include Short Abandons in Calculation: Short abandons are abandons that happen within a specific time threshold. For more information, see the Configure abandon intervals section in Configure contact center analytics options. When enabled, the SLA calculation makes no distinction between an abandon vs a short abandon. All abandons are considered in the formula. When disabled, the short abandons are subtracted from the abandon count in the denominator.
  • Include Abandons in Calculation: Abandons are conversations where the waiting party is disconnected without being answered or transferred. With this option enabled, the abandons are included in the total number of conversations. 

As the service level calculation depends on an organization’s configured options, the final formula to calculate the service level is:

service level calculation formula

Note: With the Flowouts and Abandons enabled, the Flowouts and the Abandons are added into the denominator when calculating the service level. With the Short Abandons disabled, the Short Abandons are subtracted from the Abandons when calculating the service level.

Staffed agents

An instantaneous observation/query equivalent to Joined to Queue X. Staffed agents are the set of people that are currently staffed on a queue.

Supplemental agents

An instant observation/query equivalent to Role of Agent & Eligible to Join Queue X & Online & not joined to queue X. Supplemental agents are the set of people that can be staffed for a queue.

Total Talk

The total amount of time spent interacting on all the conversations by the agent, within an interval. For example, in an interaction, where an agent accepts an interaction, talks to the customer for two minutes, places the customer on hold for one minute, and then talks to the customer again for two minutes, the Total Talk equals 4 minutes.

Time in status

The amount of time the agent has been in the current status.

Transfer %

The number of transfers compared to the total number of interactions answered.

Calculated by: (# of transfers / Interactions Answered) * 100


A measurement of the number of interactions an agent answered in one queue and then transferred. A transfer counts for the queue in which an agent answers the interaction. This measurement is calculated by the number of interactions blind transferred or consult transferred. 


The number of interactions an agent answered and then consulted with another participant with or without fully transferring the interaction. A consult counts for the queue in which an agent answers the interaction, even if they consult with another queue.

Trunk load

Trunk load is a time-related metric that includes all components of a voice interaction, other than the after-call work which does not require a circuit.

Trunk load =  Ring + Attendant/IVR + Assignment + Talk Time

Total wait

The total amount of time an interaction is in a queue before an agent answers it, it flows out, or the customer abandons it. Genesys Cloud calculates the wait time in milliseconds.


The number of interactions that waited in the queue.

Working interactions

A derived metric of the total count of unique interactions being worked by an agent within a time period.

Calculated by: Unique Interactions Holding + Talking + ACW.


The agent is on a non-ACD call, and, in relation to agent utilization and call routing, Genesys Cloud treats the non-ACD call like an ACD call. For example, administrators could configure agent utilization so Genesys Cloud does not route new interactions to agents while they are on an ACD or non-ACD call. This status only appears if administrators have selected “Count non-ACD calls in utilization capacity” within the agent utilization configuration.

Not Responding

An agent was On Queue or Interacting and did not answer an offered interaction. The agent could still be handling and completing other previous interactions. While Not Responding, the agent does not receive new interactions.


The time spent in the Available status for the specified period.


The time spent in the Away status for the specified period.


The time spent in the Busy status for the specified period.

Idle (Away)

The time spent in the Away status. Genesys Cloud puts agents into the Idle status when they are logged on to the desktop application but the screen saver engages, the screen locks, or the system enters sleep mode because of the agent's inactivity. The amount of time it takes for Genesys Cloud to change the agent's status to Idle depends on the user's system settings. When an agent enters Idle status, Genesys Cloud displays the agent's status as Away (for example, on the agent's profile page).


The amount of time an agent spends in the Idle routing status. This routing status represents agents who are On Queue and able to take interactions but are not currently working with interactions.


Flow-outs are interactions that enter and leave a queue without getting answered by an agent and without getting disconnected. Flow-outs are an indication of customer service level and queue productivity. High numbers of flow-outs can indicate staffing issues or ineffective agents when used with high handle times (bullseye matching metrics).

Flow-outs can include transfers to voicemail, callbacks, and any system-driven events such as in-queue flows that transfer to another queue or external party after a certain amount of time. Flow-outs can also occur if the caller opts to exit out of the queue and return to the IVR. Offered interactions are either flow-out, answered, or abandoned interactions.


This metric represents the number of outbound interactions placed on behalf of queue.

Total handle

The total amount of time agents spend on an interaction including time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

Total dialing

The total amount of time an outbound interaction spends dialing a contact.

Average dialing
The average amount of time an agent spends dialing and waiting for a contact to answer during outbound interactions.
Calculated by: (total dialing time/ total number of dialing segments)
Total contacting

The total amount of time outbound interactions take to connect to the agent’s phone. Usually, this duration is short. However, if the agent uses a remote phone the duration may be longer.

Average contacting

The average amount of time an outbound interaction takes to connecting to the agent’s phone. Usually, this duration is short. However, if the agent uses a remote phone the duration may be longer.
Calculated by: (total contacting time/ total number of contacting segments)

Alert - No Answer

The number of times an agent was alerted to a conversation but did not answer the conversation. 

Note: This metric does not specifically count the number of times an agent was placed in a Not Responding routing status. An agent is transitioned to Not Responding status after a specific alert time threshold for ACD-routed conversations. Alert – No Answer can be incremented for all conversation types for any situation where an alert was not followed by an answer event.

Total Alert - No Answer

The total number of seconds Genesys Cloud offered an agent an interaction before the agent declined the interaction or the interaction timed out.


The number of times agents receive an alert for interactions. 

Total Alert

The total time Genesys Cloud alerts agents before the agent accepts or declines an interaction. 

Avg Flow

The average amount of time that an entry spent in the flow.


The total number of times that calls enter the flow or flow version. A call can enter a flow multiple times.

Max Flow

The longest amount of time that an entry spent in the flow.

Total Flow

The total time entries spent in the flow. 

Avg Disconnect

The average amount of time until an entry disconnected in a flow.

Customer Disconnect

The number of times customers disconnected in a flow, including the percentage of customer disconnects compared with the disconnect count.

Customer Short Disconnect

The number of times customers disconnected in a flow before a short disconnect time. Includes the percentage of customer short disconnects compared with the disconnect count.

The default short disconnect time is less than 10 seconds, though administrators can set the short disconnect time to any threshold they want. For more information, see the Configure analytics settings section in Configure contact center analytics options.


The number of entries that disconnected in the flow, including the percentage of entries that disconnected compared with the total number of entries. 

Flow Disconnect

The number of times a flow disconnected entries, including the percentage of flow disconnects compared with the total number of disconnects. 

Max Disconnect

The longest amount of time that an entry spent in the flow before disconnecting.

System Error Disconnect

The number of times entries disconnected in a flow due to a system error. This column includes the percentage of system error disconnects compared with the total number of disconnects. 

Total Disconnect

The total amount of time an entry spent in a flow until it disconnected.

ACD Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to an ACD queue. Includes the percentage of ACD exits compared with the total number of exits. 

ACD Voicemail Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to an ACD voicemail. Includes the percentage of ACD voicemail exits compared with the total number of exits. 

Avg Exit

The average amount of time that an entry spent in a flow before exiting.


The number of entries that exited the flow to another destination, such as an ACD queue, ACD voicemail, or user. Includes the percentage of exits compared with the total number of entries. 

Flow exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to another flow. Includes the percentage of flow exits compared with the total number of exits. 

Group Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to a group. Includes the percentage of group exits compared with the total number of exits. 

Max Exit

The longest amount of time that an entry spent in the flow before exiting.

Number Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to a number. Includes the percentage of number exits compared with the total number of exits. 

Secure Flow Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to a secure flow. Includes the percentage of secure flow exits compared with the total number of exits. 

Total Exit

The total amount of time an entry spent in a flow until it exited the flow to another destination, such as an ACD queue, ACD voicemail, or user.

User Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to a user. Includes the percentage of user exits compared with the total number of exits. 

User Voicemail Exit

The number of times an entry exited a flow to a user's voicemail. Includes the percentage of user voicemail exits compared with the total number of exits. 

Avg Outcomes (Flow Outcomes)

The average number of flow outcomes per entries into the flow. Calculated by: number of flow outcomes / number of entries

Failure (Flow Outcomes)

The number of flow outcomes that were failures. Includes the percentage of failure outcomes compared with the total number of outcomes.

Outcome (Flow Outcomes)

The number of flow outcomes.

Over SLA The number of sessions that exceeded the service level target.
Success (Flow Outcomes)

The number of flow outcomes that were success. Includes the percentage of success outcomes compared with the total number of outcomes.


Number of interactions that met the defined service level.

Short Abandon %

Percent of interactions that were short abandoned.

Short Abandon Count

Number of interactions that were short abandoned.

Adherence Status

The current adherence status of the user, including In Adherence, Out of Adherence, Unscheduled, Ignored, or Unknown.

Scheduled Activity

The activity for which the user is currently scheduled, including On Queue Work, Break, Meal, Meeting, Off Queue Work, Time Off, Training, Unavailable, or Unscheduled.

Adherence Duration

The amount of time represented in days, hours, minutes, and seconds, of the adherence exception.

Min Alert

The minimum amount of time an agent was being alerted.

Max Alert

The maximum amount of time an agent was being alerted.

Min Alert - No Answer

The minimum amount of time an agent was being alerted without responding to an interaction.

Max Alert - No Answer

The maximum amount of time an agent was being alerted without responding to an interaction.

Min Handle

The minimum amount of time agents were involved in ACD and non-ACD interactions, including answered interactions, transfers, callbacks, and outbound calls.

Max Handle

The maximum amount of time agents were involved in ACD and non-ACD interactions, including answered interactions, transfers, callbacks, and outbound calls.

Min Talk

The minimum amount of time spent interacting for the selected interval.

Max Talk

The maximum amount of time spent interacting for the selected interval.

Min Hold

The minimum amount of time spent on hold for the selected interval.

Max Hold

The maximum amount of time spent on hold for the selected interval. 

Min Answer

The minimum amount of time an agent spent answering assigned ACD interactions for the selected interval.

Max Answer

The maximum amount of time an agent spent answering assigned ACD interactions for the selected interval.


The minimum amount of time spent on after call work for the selected interval.


The maximum amount of time spent on after call work for the selected interval.

Blind Transfer

The number of interactions an agent answered in one queue and then blind transferred. A blind transfer counts for the queue in which an agent answers the interaction. 

Blind Transfer %

The percentage of interactions an agent answered in one queue and then blind transferred. 

Consult Transfer

The number of call interactions an agent answered in one queue and then consult transferred, meaning they connected with a person or queue before transferring the call. A consult transfer counts for the queue in which an agent answers the interaction. See Consult transfer a call.

Consult Transfer %

The percentage of interactions an agent answered in one queue and then consult transferred.

Max Wait

The maximum amount of time spent waiting in queue for the selected interval. 


The number of interactions initiated by the campaign.

Contacts The number of interactions initiated by a remote party and connected to an agent.
Campaign Connect Rate The total number of interactions detected as live voice interactions, divided by the total number of interactions initiated, expressed as a percentage. This rate is based on the previous 10-minute time interval.
Total Abandon

The total amount of time interactions are in the queue waiting for an agent to answer them before customers abandoned the interactions.

Dial Abandon Rate

The percentage of Compliance Abandons divided by total dials.

Contact Abandon Rate

The percentage of Compliance Abandons divided by total contacts.

Dialing The length of time that the call spent dialing and ringing. For example, a call that rings for 15 seconds and then disconnects show Dialing as 15 seconds.
Time to Agent The length of time that elapsed from when a customer answered the call to when an agent answered the call, including call analysis. This column is empty if the call is in preview mode, transferred to the outbound flow, or gets disconnected or abandoned before an agent answers it.
Time to flow The length of time from when a customer answered the call to when the system transfers the call into an outbound flow. This column is empty if the call is in preview mode or if the call transferred to the queue.
Time to abandon

The duration of time until the conversation was abandoned.

Disconnect time The time that the call disconnected.

Displays the skills set by the routing services for the interaction.

Active Total Callback

Active total callback duration is the sum of all calling activity for the call portions of the callback. For example, the active total callback duration could include all durations from the call portion of a callback: tContacting --> tDialing --> tTalk --> tHeld --> tTalk --> tAcw.

Metric Definition
Metric Definition
ACD Cancelled The number of workitems canceled during ACD.

The average amount of time an interaction waits in queue before an agent answers it. This metric does not include interactions that agents do not answer. ASA is directly associated with the service level and provides insight into the customer service your company provides. ASA is recorded in the interval in which the agent answered the interaction.

Calculated by: Total Answered (tAnswered Sum) / Answered Count (tAnswered Count)

Note: Raw values are provided in milliseconds.

Agent The name of the agent.
Agent Transfer The number of workitems transferred by an agent to another agent.

The number of times agents receive an alert for interactions. 

Answered The number of workitems answered by an agent via routing, manual assignment, or transfer.
Avg Handle

The average amount of time agents spent handling interactions. This calculation includes talk time, hold time, and after-call work. For outbound calls it also includes dialing and contacting time.

Calculated by: (cumulative talk time + cumulative hold time + cumulative after-call work + cumulative dialing time + cumulative contacting time) / Number of interactions handled

Note: The interactions can span multiple time intervals. For example, a 45-minute call spans two 30-minute intervals. However, metrics are assigned a single timestamp and reported in the interval into which this timestamp falls. The timestamps are assigned based on when the metric calculation is complete.

For instance, handle time will use the timestamp of after call work completion. In the example of a 45-minute call, the handle time falls in the second 30-minute interval because the handle time was calculated at the end of the call when ACW was submitted.

In these views, the Avg Talk, Avg Hold, and Avg ACW columns do not equal the Avg Handle column because only some interactions include holds. This view calculates the average handle column using cumulative counts rather than averages.

Avg Hold Handled

The average time any interaction spent on hold. This calculation takes into account all interactions handled, not just those that were held.

Calculated by: Total Hold Time / Number of Interactions Handled.

Blind Transfer The number of workitems blind transferred.
Declined The number of workitems declined.
Disconnected The number of workitems disconnected.
Focus The number of times an agent has a workitem in focus. This number can be higher than the count of workitems handled as the number helps to identify each time an agent has a workitem in focus (vs. on hold).
Handled The number of workitems handled by agents in a queue.

The number of interactions with holds. 

Interval This column is preselected based on the interval defined in the time filter.
Max Alerting The maximum number of times an agent was alerted for a workitem.
Max Focus The maximum amount of time an agent spent focusing on a workitem.
Max Hold

The maximum amount of time spent on hold for the selected interval. 

Max Park The maximum amount of time a workitem was parked by an agent.
Min Focus
The minimum amount of time an agent spent focusing on a workitem.
Min Hold

The minimum amount of time spent on hold for the selected interval.

Min Park The minimum amount of time a workitem was parked by an agent.
Name The name of the queue.
Not Responding
The time an agent was alerted without responding to a workitem.
Parked The number of workitems parked by agents in a queue.
Queue Transfer The number of workitems transferred by a queue to another agent.
Terminated The number of workitems terminated.
Timed Out The number of workitems with agent timeouts.
Total Focus The total amount of time an agent spent focusing on a workitem. This time can be less than the Total Handled duration that an agent parks or puts a workitem on hold.
Total Handle

The total amount of time agents spend on an interaction including time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

Total Park The total amount of time a workitem was parked by an agent.
Transfer The number of all transfers made by an agent in a queue. This number includes both blind and consult transfers. A transfer is counted on the queue in which an agent answers the interaction.
Transfer %

The number of transfers compared to the total number of interactions answered.

Calculated by: (# of transfers / Interactions Answered) * 100

Wrap-Up The number of wrap-ups added.
Wrap-Up Removed The number of wrap-ups removed.
Bullseye Requested

The number of interactions in which bullseye routing was requested.

Bullseye Requested %

The rate of answered interactions in which bullseye routing was requested in comparison to all answered interactions.

Bullseye Used

The number of answered interactions in which bullseye routing was used.

Bullseye Used %

The rate of interactions in which bullseye routing was used in comparison to all answered interactions.

Direct Requested

The number of interactions assigned directly to a user via the API or the list view.

Note: The workitems that use direct routing do not alert the agents. But these workitems are found in the list view assigned to the appropriate user.

Direct Requested % The percentage of workitems that attempt to route to the agents via the direct routing method, divided by all workitem routing attempts.
Direct Used The routing method used to assign a workitem to an agent.
Direct Used % The percentage of workitems that routed to the agents via the direct routing method, divided by all workitems routed to the agents.
Manual Used

The number of answered interactions in which manual routing was used.

Manual Used %

The rate of interactions in which manual routing was used in comparison to all answered interactions.

Preferred Requested

The number of answered interactions in which preferred agent routing was used.

Preferred Requested %

The rate of interactions in which preferred agent routing was requested in comparison with all answered interactions.

Preferred Used

The number of answered interactions in which preferred agent routing was used.

Preferred Used %

The rate of interactions in which preferred agent routing was used in comparison to all answered interactions.

Standard Requested

The number of answered interactions in which standard routing was requested. 

Standard Requested %

The rate of interactions in which standard routing was requested in comparison to all answered interactions.

Standard Used

The number of answered interactions in which standard routing was used.

Standard Used %

The rate of interactions in which standard routing was used in comparison to all answered interactions.

Avg Duration

The average amount of time that a workitem has spent in a specific status.

Note: The avg duration is calculated only after the workitem has transitioned to another state or the workitem is terminated.

Created Number of workitems created.
Deleted Number of workitems deleted.

The total number of workitems terminated on a date that matches the date filter criteria and also before the due date.

Over SLA

The total number of workitems terminated on a date that matches the date filter criteria and also after the due date.

Purged Number of workitems purged.
Service Level %

The service level % is the percentage of workitems that met SLA and the total number of workitems terminated during the date criteria. The formula to calculate the service level % is:

Workitems service level percentage

  • The Number of Workitems Terminated is defined as the total number of workitems terminated during the date specified by the date filter.
  • The total number of workitems terminated on a date that matches the date filter criteria and after the due date defined for the workitems.

For example, if the total number of workitems terminated at the specified date is 125 and the total number of Over SLA is 15.

Status The current status of the workitem defined by the custom status transitions of the worktype.
Status Category

The status category of the workitem. The predefined status categories are Open, In Progress, On Hold, and Closed.

Transitions The count of workitems that have transitioned into another status or out of the status or status category listed.
Workbin Name of the workbin. 
Worktype Name of the worktype.

For real-time examples and more advanced Workitems metric definitions, see Genesys Cloud Developer Center.