Complete after contact work (ACW)


After contact work (ACW)is the time after an interaction disconnects. Use this time to enter notes, select wrap-up codes, and complete any other tasks associated with the interaction. Genesys Cloud counts ACW as wrap-up time and factors it into the average handle time (AHT).

The queue admin determines whether you need ACW time and how long you can take to complete ACW.

To complete ACW:

  1. To display wrap-up codes, click Wrap-up Codes or end the interaction. 
  2. Select the appropriate wrap-up code.  
  3. If you want to enter notes during or after the interaction, click Notes and enter notes about the interaction
  4. To finish ACW, click Done


  • Done is not available until you meet the minimum requirement to complete the interaction, which can include the following behavior:
    • The end of communication with the customer.
    • The selection of a wrap-up code.
  • Your ACW time ends when you click Done.
  • To ensure that your wrap-up code applies to your interaction, Genesys Cloud saves selected wrap-up codes even if you do not click Save or Done before your ACW period ends. For the Agent Requested ACW option, for Genesys to save your selected wrap-up code, you must request ACW.
  • If your queue admin set your queue to the Mandatory, Time-boxed no early exit option for ACW, Save appears instead of Done. Click Save after you complete ACW to save your selected wrap-up code. If you change the wrap-up code, then you must click Save again to save the change. For this ACW setting, you wait for the ACW timer to count down to zero before you receive your next interaction.
  • If your admin sets your queue to the Agent Requested After Call Work option for ACW, then you can only apply a wrap-up code if you select the Request ACW option. When you select this option, you go to ACW after you disconnect the interaction, and you can select a wrap-up code and enter notes. Otherwise, upon disconnection, you return to On Queue, ready to accept new interactions.