Genesys Cloud FedRAMP region - Próximas funciones

This preview lists the features scheduled for the next Genesys Cloud FedRAMP region release. The features will not be live in Genesys Cloud FedRAMP region until May 20, 2024. The feature descriptions in the May 20, 2024 Genesys Cloud FedRAMP region Release Notes will contain links to the accompanying documentation in the Resource Center or Developer Center. For information about upcoming Genesys Cloud FedRAMP region feature releases, see the Feature releases and Announcements sections in Genesys Cloud FedRAMP region Release Notes.

La disponibilidad de las funciones puede variar y se basa en factores como, entre otros, la preparación de la región, las licencias del producto y el calendario de lanzamientos de Genesys. Para más información, consulte el calendario de lanzamientos de Genesys Cloud.

Auto-answer functionality for agents in preview campaigns

Administrators can now enable auto-answer functionality for agents in a Preview campaign to improve efficiency.

Dynamic edge resource utilization for automated outbound dialing

Administrators can now set a weight value on an outbound voice campaign. This weight determines the allocation of more or fewer dialing lines and is based on its value compared with other campaigns using the same Edge resources.

Genesys Agent Assist summarization Spanish support (preview)

Genesys Agent Assist summarization is now available in preview for Spain Spanish (es-ES) and United States Spanish (en-ES).

Knowledge workbench Catalan, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Turkish language support

Knowledge workbench is now available for Catalan Spain (ca-ES), Danish Dutch (da-DK), Finnish Finland (fi-FI), Norwegian Norway (nb-NO), Swedish Sweden (sv-SE), and Turkish (tr-TR).

Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows, Genesys Digital Bot Flows, knowledge workbench, and digital Genesys Agent Assist Chinese (Traditional/Cantonese) language support

Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows, Genesys Digital Bot Flows, knowledge workbench, and digital Genesys Agent Assist language support is now available for Chinese (Traditional/Cantonese) (zh-HK).

Insights visual charting for supervisors

Supervisors can now use additional charting features in the Insights view. These features facilitate an effortless visual comparison between the performance of a chosen group of agents and the performance of all agents in a gamification profile. Also, Genesys substituted the arrows in the Insights table, previously used for horizontal navigation, with a horizontal scrollbar.

Nota: Esta lista de funciones está sujeta a cambios.